Tonight's full moon in Scorpio is also a SUPER MOON!
can catch me staring out my window seal, but here are some insights
on tonight's moon that I gathered from various readers of the
“This Scorpio Full Moon is also called the Wesak Moon, the most
auspicious day in Buddhism, for it celebrates the birth, enlightenment and
death of Buddha. In this energetic opposition between Taurus and Scorpio,
we are all called to the great union with Nature and the heavens, celebrating
the Divine within Nature and within ourselves. Like the Buddha, we are
called to acknowledge the divine spirit in our human nature as we overcome and
release the emotional demons that plague us and separate us from our spiritual
“This Taurus/Scorpio Full Moon asks us to become aware of the people
and things we give the highest value to, and to look at the emotional trauma
that keeps us apart. It’s time to question our values and beliefs about
money, power, happiness and our connection to each other and to the Earth.
There are powerful forces at work determined to keep the old system alive,
regardless of how many people and places it destroys. But we are equally
powerful, and the Cosmos is lending us energy to break-through our paralysis
and stand up for our beliefs. “
-Cathy Lynn Pagano and her Wisdom of Astrology:
only is this a significant Full Moon in Scorpio, but the emotional currents are
very strong. And under a Full Moon’s influence emotional tides run high and
low. Have no doubt we are going to feel – intense with just about
everything and perhaps everyone. This can be helpful practice to trust yourself
and the in another. Extreme emotions ranging from dark to light may arise at
the slightest trigger. We have the opportunity to purge, let go and rebirth our
emotional selves now. We may need to intimately express our feelings to
someone. We can practice deepening our trust within ourselves here.”
may be that we find ourselves in an uncomfortable power struggle or struggling
to trust self in some way. But engaging in the extreme point of view of ‘right
and wrong’ only makes things messy and more confusing and no one wins. It is
possible to step away from it and realize the lesson within it, find the middle
ground and move on.”
-Dipali Desai
“Forgiveness is a huge part of any healing process as is the need to
remain as non-judgmental as possible. Pluto both fuels the need to dig deep and
the knife to open old wounds, allowing them to drain. Mars in Virgo is very
well suited to going over the details but since it is also exactly in conjunct
Uranus in Aries, it will be less patient than usual. Go easy on the criticism –
both of yourself and others.”
-astrologer Diane at Libra Seeking Balance
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